Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Paul Robertson

Well considering all the attention I give to pixel art and especially my enthusiasm for strange and unique pixel art it occurred to me that it's a little strange that I haven't mentioned a towering giant in the world of strange and unique pixel art and animations; Paul Robertson. You see Paul Robertson is a highly talented artist and animator with a truly idiosyncratic style and eccentric tastes to say the least. His work tends to range from the absurd to utterly obscene.

I guess the main reason I haven't posted about is because most of what I have been posting have been recent discoveries for me (or recent creations). I first discovered Paul's work when I saw Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 sometime in 2006. I downloaded it from this site because someone somewhere on the internet had made such a big deal over how cool it was. I don't remember who but I certainly did remember the video. It was highly entertaining but also violent and grotesque as well with exploding zombies being dismembered by the hundreds in a black and white display of pixelated gore. Clearly meant to resemble and pay homage to video games the movie is full of humor and strange little details. Some of the more grotesque moments even made me feel a little uncomfortable (like should I be enjoying this?) and come to think of it now I doubt I'd seen anything quite like it before.

Scene from Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006

I don't specifically remember when but quite some time passed before I knowingly ran into any more of Paul Robertson's work. When it did finally pop up again it was usually introduced on a blog or a forum as "something done by that guy who did the Pirate Baby Cabana Fight Thing". Eventually I went on to discover his other animations, illustrations, animated gifs, and even professional commercials that he worked on and most of it is outstanding work and, well, completely bizarre.

Paul Robertson's The Magic Touch

I could probably sit here and catalog Robertson's work for half the night from his insane pixel massacres such as the aforementioned Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 or his violent and outrageous masterpiece Kings of Power 4 Billion % (available for download here) to the more cool and quirky stuff like Do The Whirlwind and The Magic Touch (posted above) and more but I think I'll leave it to you to discover more if you're interested and you haven't already. Besides, I didn't set out to make a compendium of Paul Robertson's work with this post, I just wanted to highlight one of my favorite pixel artists and spotlight a little corner of his crazy world. :P

Paul Robertson's Live Journal
Paul Robertson's Deviant Art Profile
(these may contain offensive content)

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